Please Note the following Dates:
Spring Applications Due: Friday May 9, 2025
Spring Formal Interview: June 2025
Fall Applications Due: Friday, October 17, 2025
Fall Formal Interviews: November 2025
Join Us!
We are always interested in welcoming new members to our organization. Being a member of YMWREA can advance your career in the real estate profession while enriching ourselves and the New York community.
Diversity is the soul of New York City. The YMWREA is committed to the inclusion of all races, genders, orientations, ages, religions, and identities throughout its membership and programming. By cultivating a diverse environment, we believe our differences will bring a richness to our conversations and stronger connections with our communities. As leaders in our industry, our ability to understand and embrace the multicultural world we live in, will put us in the best position for long term sustainability.
Membership Qualifications
- Prospective members shall demonstrate interest in becoming members by attending one half of the Functions (“Functions” being meetings and civic or social events or outings or other events sanctioned by the Association) of the Association within the twelve (12) month period immediately preceding the candidate’s application being acted upon by the Membership Committee.
- A person proposed for membership (“Applicant”) shall fill out a membership application and submit it to one of his or her sponsors who will forward such application together with two (2) sponsoring letters (his or her and one other) and two seconding letters to the Chairman of the Membership Committee.
- The applicant must have been actively engaged in real estate for at least two (2) years, including at least one year in the New York metropolitan area.
- The applicant must be at least twenty-three (23) years of age and apply for membership prior to his or her forty- fourth (44th) birthday.
- It must be the applicant’s intention to make a career in Real Estate. The applicant must either have demonstrated ability in his or her field or have given every indication of becoming a leader in his or her field in the future.
- The Membership Committee shall meet at least every six months to consider applications of new members, which may be submitted at any time.
- The Membership Committee shall make every effort to secure as new members people who are members of the Real Estate Board of New York. At least 70% of the total Regular Membership shall be members in their own names of the Real Estate Board of New York, Inc. or any successor thereto.
- Prior to any member being acted upon by the Membership Committee, the proposed member first must be interviewed by one member of the Membership Committee, who shall report, in writing, the result of that meeting, together with his or her impressions of the candidate, to the Chairman of the Membership Committee. The proposed member’s name shall be brought to the attention of the general membership by written notice prior to being interviewed by the Membership Committee. Members who have special knowledge of any proposed member are encouraged to share such special (not generally known) knowledge in writing with the Chairman of the Membership Committee. Any such written communication shall be held in the strictest confidence by the Membership Committee and by the Chairman of said committee.
- Prospective members’ applications must be approved by 80% of the Membership Committee.
- Any member in good standing may sponsor not more than three (3) applicants for membership each year, provided that the Sponsoring Member has known the applicant for at least one year and has been a member for the Association for at least two (2) years. In addition, any member may second not more than four (4) applicants in any calendar year. In totaling the number of candidates sponsored or seconded by a Member, the date of the application shall be the determinative factor. Only one of the two sponsors and of the two seconders may be a member of the proposed member’s firm.
- In considering the qualifications of a candidate, The Membership Committee shall, in addition to its other considerations, determine whether the candidate is engaged in the real estate business (i.e. development, sales, leasing, finance and/or management) or is engaged in a business that supports or otherwise provides services to those engaged in the real estate business.
- Senior Members are those members who are 59 years of age or older. Members younger than 59 are Regular Members. All Members are voting Members.